Freedom Movement, Controlled Opposition, or Psyop?
The Sound of Freedom Film and Subsequent Controversy. Are We Truly Uniting and Building a Freedom Movement? Let's Use Six Degrees of Separation to Find Out.
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By Shema Satya
First, a tip. In my sub heading I mention “Let’s Use Six Degrees of Separation To Find Out”. I address this idea near the end of post.
And for those favoring the controversy, you’ll see plenty of that mid way through this post.
You will notice throughout this post, I pose lots of questions. Great questions can help impact transformational shifts in our lives. And if we want better answers let’s get adept at asking better questions!
Throughout your reading of this topic, I would like to invite you to have these questions in your mind.
What are my learnings from this film and it’s controversy? What change or action can I make now in my life as a result of these learnings? What have I learned about myself as the film and related topics are explored?
Now, let’s begin.
I’d like to suggest we carefully look at the terms being thrown around the Internet, specifically “CONTROLLED OPPOSITION” and “PSYOPS” (psychological operations). There seems a lot of finger pointing. Could we go a little deeper? Could we focus on the bigger vision of what the freedom movement is needing to achieve, namely our freedom.
Yes, I agree, there are questionable shady aspects to even projects that appear wonderful on the surface. But let’s not ‘toss it all out’, especially if critics don’t have better alternative projects. Here’s a wild idea. What if we spend half the time caught up in finger pointing, and use that time in constructive creative imagining and talking up the world we want and work to actively believe in it and build it?
We humans have a lot of growing up to do. Honesty and love will go far to help us.
Here are my reflections, inspired as I converse with people on social media (not the most fulfilling way to engage in discourse, but certainly a way to activate my desire to think more deeply - and for that I appreciate social media).
The topic is around the recent release of the film ‘Sound of Freedom’.
What is the Sound of Freedom?
Sound of Freedom is a true story film that exposes the darkness of child trafficking. A federal agent saves a boy from traffickers, but his sister is still captive. He embarks on a dangerous mission, risking his life to free her from a fate worse than death.
This campaign welcomes people to donate, so that someone who can't afford to see the movie, can get a free ticket.
Stats on Angel Studios ‘Pay It Forward’ Campaign
As of July 16, 2023
This looks like success to me. As does initial results at the box office.
YET! So much controversy! So many armchair critics weighing in. And some who have not even seen the film, yet have plenty to say about it. People busy playing the role of ‘devil advocate’.
The intent here in this article, is to capture the thoughts I am sharing as I converse with people. And also to capture some of the controversy, what people are saying.
After all, what seems most important, at least to me right now, is that we keep alive the ability to think deeply and discover what our beliefs are.
Article: ‘Sound of Freedom’ makes history at the box office
“In over one week, the film increased its weekly gross revenue from $20 million to $27 million, totaling a gross revenue of $85.5 million since its opening. (as of July 18 2023)
Additionally, “Sound of Freedom” made box office history when its revenue increased by 37% from the previous week’s earnings.”
“Many doors were closed to us over these years; Disney, Netflix, Amazon, and other distribution houses said ‘no, this film is not for us, it’s not good business, nobody is going to see a film about child trafficking,’ they claimed. Faced with these refusals, we had two options: Give up and throw in the towel, or — when it comes to saving lives — don’t give up, keep going and persevere for as long as necessary.”
“And the movement for freedom is already a fact, it’s underway, and it’s growing, growing, growing without stopping; they can’t stop it. That is the miracle: That in a world of lies and attacks, the truth makes its way, takes first place, and many lives will be saved thanks to this. Because in times of universal lies, Orwell said, telling the truth constitutes a revolutionary act,” Verástegui said.”
Our Beliefs Influence What We Focus On
Let me start with sharing my current stance so to be a bit transparent here, for obviously, our beliefs are going to slant what we focus on.
This video by Jean Nolan (Inspired YouTube channel) actually aligns very well with my sentiments, since having seen ‘Sound of Freedom’ myself.
If the film manages to invoke the right reaction and inspires action in people to get up and do something, then whether it's considered a psyop or not does not matter. - Jean Nolan
The film 'The Sound of Freedom' is primarily about raising awareness about the issue of child trafficking and the deep impact it has on family. It is an excellent introduction, especially to audiences who do not know much about the issue.
Actually, if the film had gone any deeper into the issues, Hollywood would probably never have let it be produced. It really tells the story in a very emotional and honest and raw way without becoming too graphic and so shocking and disturbing that large numbers of people couldn't watch it.
As millions of people watch this movie, some are going to feel deeply inspired to do something. Some are going to be deeply inspired to take inspired action. Some are going to have ideas that have never been had before. This is what awareness can do. This is what can happen when masses become aware of something. This is what consciousness around a subject can do.
Critics may dismiss the film as a psychological operation (psyop) or as an insincere effort. Think about how this negativity slant could dissuade people from watching the film, getting involved, and doing something about the issue.
However, if the film manages to invoke the right reaction and inspires action in people to get up and do something, then whether it's considered a psyop or not does not matter.
'The Sound of Freedom' is essentially the kickoff, the beginning of a cultural grassroots movement that aims to bring millions of people on board.
It's essential to keep this issue from fading away from public consciousness, to sustain and grow this movement.
The goal is for this to be the start of the largest grassroots movement ever, one that unites people of all walks of life, religions, races, and political ideologies around the necessity of eradicating child trafficking from the face of the earth.
This has to be done by the people grassroots. But it has to be such a huge grassroots movement, that we cannot walk past it anymore.
Turning away and saying it's not real. We can't do anything about it. That cannot be the path. There's much we can do.
There's a lot that can be done, but it will only happen when we reach a critical mass consciousness on this subject.
It's not about reducing the problem or creating a war on trafficking that requires large government agencies. This movement needs to be people-led and so powerful that it cannot be ignored.
We are in an energy window, a transformational energy window. Things are moving much faster than before due to clear intentions and inspired actions. We see transformation going much, much faster than it was years ago or decades ago. This is a moment we need to seize.
This moment shows what we, the people, are capable of. No PR machine, Hollywood, entertainment entity, or Disney can compete with the power of united people pooling their resources and energy.
The eradication of child trafficking is a worthy cause. If we can't eradicate this evil, we shouldn't be dealing with other matters. This has to stop.
We are the ones, the generation that can make a change. The responsibility lies with us.
Thank you so much Jean Nolan, these thoughts I find so inspirational and true!
Now Let’s Look At the Controversy
Article: Sound of Freedom Movie Allegedly Funded by Billionaire Philanthropists with Ties to Human Trafficking
“Sound of Freedom brings to light the horror of human trafficking. However, there is one major question about the film: why did Carlos Slim, a man with connections to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden, fund the film?”
And I would like to be so bold as to suggest to have an adult mature discussion with those involved in the film production, to find out all the details, and yes ask hard questions. BUT DON’T just post wildly on the internet conclusions that have not been substantiated. Do not crucify before trial.
It is just so curious to me, the mad dash to make this film be a bad thing, seeming to be so quick to overlook the potential good we could do for the children.
Rather than Devil's Advocates, I'm looking for people with courage, engaging in activism, deeply committed to their spiritual unfoldment, and at least trying to do something to help this troubled world, and not just speaking out negativity to numb people into hopelessness.
While the ‘Sound of Freedom’ continues great success at the theaters, social media, such as some folks on Facebook, Twitter, etc., have been busy trashing it. The latest is people now are fuming, saying because of this film, the Cabal/Deep State is going to make a big push to chip children.
It's not like the chipping is not already planned out and underway. Now people want to blame this film. WHY DO WE TEND TO BLAME, RATHER THAN OFFER ALTERNATIVES? WHY DO WE NOT GO FURTHER even and give EXAMPLES of SOLUTIONS to explore? And most importantly, how to be better UNIFY?
Wouldn’t that be a powerful way to say No to the Deep State’s shenanigans?
Video: Does Tim Ballard REALLY Want To Microchip Your Children??
In this video, Jean Nolan of Inspired, makes a passionate plea to seize this film as a “CULTURAL MOMENT OF AWARENESS”. The main focal point needs to be the children. And of course, delivery is not always perfect. And neither are any of us.
WHY? Trash courageous people trying to help the children and bring global awareness to a critically important issue?
It seems like the latest trend is to call most everything a Psyop and even within the Freedom community, WHY are people calling each other CONTROLLED OPPOSTION?
To me that feels like a more interesting question to explore.
One of the most curious social media posts I saw, was that of someone calling ‘Sound of Freedom’ a psyop, while in their next breath saying that White Hats during Trump presidency, and Covid lockdowns, were actually doing rescue missions of children, in underground tunnels (while I have yet to see any proof of that - except the messaging the children died, for they were so sick). Why haven’t we had even at least one verifiable child come forward to confirm the validity of this rescue mission?
So here we have, on one side, a QAnon person believing in the rescue mission during lockdown (while having no proof) and also calling ‘Sound of Freedom’ (a film based on a true story) a psyop.
AND! It gets even more curious.
Also at the same time, in main stream media some are saying that ‘Sound of Freedom’ is coming from the QAnon group, using that as a reason to minimize it’s value.
So what is it? Is QAnon for the film or against the film? And what is QAnon anyway?
There is much talk and awareness now about PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION.
That, I suggest, is what the Cabal / Deep State is most skilled at.
A good example. Here is a meme going around social media, by people who, on one hand, continually post on relevant Cabal developments, while also continue to trash this film claiming it is all purposeful to normalize child abuse.
What I see is our division is sadly continuing. And in that the Cabal is winning in that regard. It’s actually a bit amusing, the insanity of it all. Humor does help in dire times.
Video by comedian Awaken with JP: Why Elites Are Panicking Over This
But one thing I have learned from these last few years, is to stop hating. And certainly not fall into fear (the weapon of the Cabal). Instead, I’ve learned to focus on what brave people are doing, and to be brave myself. And encourage honesty, transparency, and yes, admit when we’ve been wrong.
I’d like to use the following video clip as a springboard for deepening reflections.
The clip on social media is called “Mel and Jim Controlled Opposition”
And it started to go viral, and my impression was, people were just accepting it as truth.
Seriously, I make the case that we need to start thinking and conversing more deeply.
Reducing life to short video clips, and then not questioning the message, the source, and being okay that proof is not presented - really needs to stop please.
Video Clip Titled - “Mel and Jim Controlled Opposition”
So what if this were even true, what are people to do, just freeze and do nothing? Honestly unless I hear these ‘expert’ pundits offer something else than disempowering "controlled opposition" psyop discourse, I really can’t take them seriously. What if they are also playing into controlled opposition? The film is getting people to look at this serious issue and talk about it. How is that not good? How is that not a positive? How is that not an opportunity for humanity to start growing up and becoming proactive for saving the human race?
There seems to be a trend where people are quick to blame films and other media, calling them psychological operations (Psyops), and not focusing on the broader social issues that they're actually trying to address. This kind of perspective only leads to more division and, if you ask me, it only benefits secretive power groups commonly called the 'Cabal.'
I prefer to encourage focusing on the positive actions of brave people, rather than fostering hatred or division. I believe that we need more individuals showing courage and activism, and less of this negativity that only leads to hopelessness, and worse, fear. It all starts with each of us. Individually first and then collectively.
Video clips and articles are opinions, and fine, people have their opinions. But treat them as such, and not act like they are truth.
I'm looking for people that seek to unite people and not further divide. People that ignite the love. So I ask one thing. Is one's action to aim to unite, empower, strengthen the freedom movement, or are the actions disempowering and freezing people into inaction, numbing people into confusion and disconnection.
I'm a big advocate for unity and love, and a lot of self responsibility, and I'm always challenging actions that disempower and discourage people or cause confusion. I've also noticed that social media content, like video clips, can often be taken as truth without proper scrutiny.
Can We Please Think and Feel for Ourselves!
Let's break down this one video clip.
A popular figure on TikTok makes a short video.
Someone takes a clip and labels it “Mel and Jim Controlled Opposition”
(referring to Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel).
Then social media people take it viral.
As if it is the truth!
No proof is offered.
It's just an opinion.
Yet it goes viral like it is truth and what is the result?
Is our freedom movement more empowered, more united, more energized, more full of love, more committed to a beautiful vision and moving forward on it? That to me, is how I would like to measure things.
The Cabal wants us to stop thinking for ourselves and be fearful and disillusioned. In that vulnerable a state, they can easily come in and offer their controlling solutions. Isn’t that what we are striving to STOP?
Can we please just pause after watching a short video clip that has gone viral
and at least take some time to reflect, and if sharing it further, add something useful of your reflections and solutions.
In the video clip there is mention also of discounting whistleblowers as legit. Implying real whistleblowers are murdered always.
My thoughts on that. The Cabal can’t kill or silence everyone or every whistleblower. It would be too obvious to the public then.
Especially if THE FREEDOM MOVEMENT builds rapidly and cohesively.
In the end, it's up to us to think and feel for ourselves, and to measure the value of information based on whether it empowers, unites, and energizes the freedom movement. That's what really matters.
The 'Sound of Freedom' film is prompting people to discuss serious issues, which seems to me a positive outcome.
The 'Sound of Freedom' is receiving negative feedback on social media platforms like Facebook ,Twitter, etc., with some people suggesting it will encourage the 'Deep State' to start chipping children. While the plans to chip have been long in the works.
There's a trend of blaming films and other media, dubbing them as psychological operations (Psyops), rather than focusing on the broader social issues they address. This perspective perpetuates division and benefits the 'Cabal', the term used to denote secretive power groups, and also not so secret groups.
I've often found myself questioning these critics who I do not see offering alternative solutions. It makes me wonder if they might also be part of this 'controlled opposition' they are so fond of talking about, even if unconsciously.
I’d like to encourage a focus on the positive actions of brave people, rather than fostering hatred, blame or division. Yes questioning is great, but be careful not to crucify before trial.
I am a proponent of there being a need for more individuals showing courage and activism, and less negativity that leads to hopelessness. We do become what we focus on.
How useful really are social media pundits who simply offer negative opinions and even excellent research? Is it possible that their negativity could add to people’s despair and sense of hopelessness, and if so, how is that helping the cause of freedom? We need to stop being so one dimensional in how information is presented.
Should not the intent be, always, when delivering difficult information of how we have been lied to, to also include positive visions of proactive actions? Should we not always have as our over-riding intention, to inspire and empower people to vision, conviction and action?
I personally advocate for unity and love, and I question actions that disempower and discourage action or cause confusion.
Social media content, like video clips, can often be taken as truth without proper scrutiny. We must apply greater vigilance to become better with scrutiny.
I would like to suggest we consider that this propagation of finger pointing could be intentional to create confusion and infighting, potentially even by 'controlled opposition.'
The ultimate call is for individuals to think and feel for themselves, do their own research, and measure the value of information based on whether it empowers, unites, and energizes the freedom movement.
Can we agree that we all have some blind spots in our perspectives and seek to find healthy ways to explore the important issues of our times constructively?
Tim Ballard: Pedophiles 'salivating' at media outlets ripping 'Sound of Freedom'
Video: Cue up to 2 min for Tim Ballard. Tim suggests a reluctance of the media to honestly discuss the topic of atrocities against children. “If the truth of human trafficking and child exploitation were to be brought to light the media would have to have a debate and discourse they don’t want to have.”
In reference to Tim Ballard mentioning the pushing of an agenda to “minor attracted persons”
Allyn Walker PhD wants to destigmatize pedophiles and redefine them as “minor attracted persons”. Would this be an attempt to normalize it?
Video: Amazing Polly: My Take on the Sound of Freedom Production
In this video, Polly first makes a case for how it is documented that wealthy elites start orphanages, and how anti human trafficking NGO’s are actual fronts for the human trafficking and the sex slave trade. She implies Mormons are involved heavily. She ends the video with her theory synopsis saying Tim Ballard’s NGO organization could very well be part of the whole network of corrupt NGO’s at the heart of the slave trade. She also addresses the questionable funding The Sound of Freedom received.
She concludes with this.
The Film Sound of Freedom is a method of control.
They want everybody to watch it.
Even main stream media trashing it, is like free advertising to see it.
They want you traumatized to how bad the situation is.
They want you to feel helpless to stop it.
And they don’t want you to look at the serious evidence that lies beneath it all.
My conclusion is aligned with my message throughout this post.
It feels to me Polly has done very similar things with her video, perhaps unconsciously.
Putting out more trauma, lots of speculation, certainly no solutions or a sense of empowerment for people who follow her.
Humanity! WE CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS. Yes we can!
There is a golden opportunity right now with this topic blown open.
People can say it’s part of the Cabal’s plan to further normalize it all, and numb us further.
But people can also decide no more and begin getting creative and bold.
Personally, I love the concept of Six Degrees of Separation
Six degrees of separation is the idea that all people are six or fewer social connections away from each other. As a result, a chain of "friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps.
I propose people have the creative capacity to envision a new world and act on it. Why not start through Six Degrees of Separation?
To find the connections that could pull off a series of interviews to drill down past all the accusations and get to fact.
First start with intention and keep it as key focus throughout the project. Have everyone clear on everyone’s individual intentions. And measure if actions and communications are staying in alignment with intentions.
I would like to propose lots of creative brainstorming as to what we could do next, and flush out what the big picture vision is.
Come up with next actions, with people identifying what their strengths are as to what tasks they each can do.
Interview the key players in the Sound of Freedom being accused of being used as a mouthpiece for the Cabal / Deep State.
Bring them to task. Ask them the hard questions that have arisen in controversy.
Here I make a call to the greater virtues of humanity’s potential - to speak truth to power, to admit mistakes, to be transparent. All qualities inherent in building positive relationship connections.
And then let’s re-evaluate.
And most important for me, in the interviews, let’s begin flushing out steps for building a movement to end human trafficking. And start actions and measuring results.
Perhaps It is Already Happening …..
Video: Health Ranger Report with Mike Adams ft. Paul Hutchinson
Paul Hutchinson is the Executive Producer of the film Sound of Freedom.
This project was started 8 years ago with a vision to make it a movement.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. May we all find ways to join together to save the children. Like Jim Caviezel says, “God’s Children Are Not for Sale”.
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Congratulations Shema!
In this piece you have eloquently married news and editorial content in a well thought out, thorough and organized way. Your premises are valid and well supported. Thank you for so courageously speaking your truth. Well done!