Guerrilla Tactics for Evolving Humans
Are We Building a New Earth OR Are We Here To Awaken So To Exit This Construct, OR Is It Something Else We Have Yet To Conceive?
The Purpose of This Post Is To Start Capturing My Initial Concepts on Small Projects and Ideas, Organizing Them Within the 12 Sector Model. The 12 Sector Model is Best Known From the Pioneering Work of Barbara Marx Hubbard and Her Vision Of The Wheel of Creation. Consider this Part One.
The Wheel of Co-Creation comprises 12 areas of social life and serves as a map for synergistic convergence (Syncon). We connect and synchronize in the respective areas what is innovative and creative and what works. Moreover, we can create something new by enabling a new, functioning, healthy whole through new connections and a reorganization of old forms and patterns. This model is used to transform the systems in all sectors.
Future Posts Will Cover In Depth the 12 Sector Model and Sub Sectors
Along With More Thoughts on The Concept of Guerrilla Tactics.
I Initially Had the Idea of Guerrilla Tactics For An Emerging New Earth back in 2020.
I Will Also Create Posts That Will Cover Each Sector Individually and Where I Will Explore Related Project Ideas More In Depth.
There Are So Many “Dots to Connect”. These Early Posts of Mine Are For Building A Foundation From Which to Stack and Build Upon.
There Are a Few Variations of The 12 Sector Model Graphic
Let’s Begin With An Idea Generating List of Grass Roots, People Centered Projects, Ideas and Innovations - Note Most Projects Will Overlap With a Few Sectors. Additional Project Ideas will be added to new editions of Guerrilla Tactics.
✳ Spirituality and Religion Is A Very Personal Journey
Do the Inner Work. Certainly don’t start wars over religion!
Know thyself. How do you express your spirituality in your life and your work.
✳ Expose What Authorities Did to Churches and Pastors During Covid Lockdowns
Meet eight pastors who pushed to keep their churches open
How church leaders have fought back against government orders to restrict their gatherings.
✳ Children Home Schooling
Get creative. Have parents do short videos, and reels. Show examples of what is working in home schooling innovations. Share these videos with the children during family time. Idea generate, what inspirations and ideas come from watching these videos. See the section “Relations” and limiting children’s time on video games, with balancing time in nature, physical activity and creative play to develop social skills.
✳ Red Pill University Campus
G. Edward Griffin Project ‘Red Pill Campus in Every County’
How to Form a Red-Pill University Campus in your Community
An Upcoming Event in August 2024. G. Edward Griffin and team organizers of Red Pill University will explain the functions and goals of RPU campuses and how to get them established in local communities. Presentations, brainstorming, and Q&A will follow. Includes a networking session during which we will get to know each other better and form into geographical working groups. For you movers-and-shakers out there who want to change the world, this is what you have been seeking. It will be an exciting and memorable event.
✳ Whale Spout TV Show
As a complementary idea to the TV Show, Shark Tank, Shema has been flushing out an idea she calls, Whale Spout. A TV Show, similar in format to Shark Tank. The Whale Spout show would have as their panel of judges, Philanthropists. True humanitarian philanthropists. They would review projects people have and are looking for non-profit donations. We are not talking about the Cabal’s Billionaire’s Club, The Gates, etc.
✳ Freedom Databases to Educate the Public
How to Expand this Education Outreach
Researching the Big Picture and The Real Reason for the Covid Lockdowns
There are many fabulous resources of people and groups researching this.
Shema has her contribution at The Real Agenda Body of Research
This resource consists of 3 Main Portals and 14 Overview Categories (over 300 pages and thousands of links)
✳ Be Our Own Press
Shema Is Working On A Substack for this
Discern, Educate Ourselves and Our Community. Envision us as a strong, informed community working together towards enlightenment and the preservation of personal freedom.
✳ Town Hall Meetings
Take the concept of Town Hall Meetings and expand on it. Make them ongoing practices we do. Especially important, have follow up Town Hall Meetings, to discuss actions taken since the last meeting. Use them to hold elected officials accountable while also motivating the public to be engaged in their own governance. Have an engaged Public Media record and report on these meetings.
✳ Music
Music played a very important role during the lockdown, helping freedom loving people to express their voice.
Shema’s historical collection helps to capture this inspiration.
A Music Collection Inspired by the Plandemic, Freedom Is Rising
Collaborate these songs with Global Awakening Theatrical Show
✳ Global Awakening Theatrical Show
Based on the success of the Musical HAIR
Shema has been working on this vision for many years.
A Musical Theatre, that travels internationally, telling the story of our awakening through story, dance and music.
Also have schools do their own smaller productions, each unique.
✳ Keep Cash Alive and Use It Often
See Shema’s Substack: Keep Cash Alive and Use It Often!
A Collection of Pro Cash Memes To Help Inspire Us To Make It A Priority To Use Cash As Much As We Can, Along with Some Info on CBDCs
✳ Infinity Tokens
”INFINITY token is a stable, asset-backed community token, of the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative. The value of INFINITY is underpinned by real human labour and sweat equity of OST members around the world. INFINITY tokens cannot be lost, devalued or crashed by reckless traders or malicious infiltrators.”
✳ Indigenous Best Practices
Bring forward more research in this wisdom sector.
✳ Children and Limiting Video Games
Limit time spent on playing video games. Balance with quality time in nature and physical exercise and developing social skills with other children and creative play.
Sacha Stone, Guerrilla Network News, Lazarus Initiative, NewEarth Sanctuary Bacalar, Mexico
✳ End Slavery of All Kinds
At the time the film Sound of Freedom came out, I put together this Substack,
As the time felt ripe for finally a movement to end Child Sex Trafficking
Substack: Freedom Movement, Controlled Opposition, or Psyop?
The Sound of Freedom Film and Subsequent Controversy. Are We Truly Uniting and Building a Freedom Movement? Let's Use Six Degrees of Separation to Find Out.
I closed out the Substack with this thought:
”There is a golden opportunity right now with this topic blown open.
People can say it’s part of the Cabal’s plan to further normalize it all, and numb us further. But people can also decide no more and begin getting creative and bold.”
✳ Peace Room - Peace ‘Department’
Replacing Our 'War Rooms' with 'Peace Rooms'
It is now in our capacity to destroy civilization as we know it,
or to build a world of unprecedented opportunity for all people.
"What we need now is a "peace room" or a "synergy center,"
a new social function to connect the positive in time.
Dec. 22, 2012, has been selected as day one
to consciously contribute to this process.
It is our first Planetary Birth Day
to celebrate the coming
of the next era of evolution based on what works.
Barbara Marx Hubbard
✳ Stop the Shots / Ban the Jab - Get this done!
This movement is growing with considerable momentum.
Ban The Jabs! Open Message To Governor Jay Inslee And Every Governor In Every State & Stop the Shots
This is Shema’s Resource Page - all the way back in 2021 and 2022 - the call was being made “Call for Complete Ban of the mRNA Platform for Vaccines”
✳ Mask Wearing Mass Education Campaign
Masks Are Ineffective and Harmful
See Shema’s Resource Page: Masks Heed These Warnings
This webpage also lists many links of others that have compiled massive research around the Mask Wearing issue.
✳ Recovery Healing Retreat Centers
RFK Jr Vision of Recovery Healing Centers / Retreats - Let’s bring this idea forward. Flush out the ideas now and how to fund. No need to wait until Bobby is President.
✳ Natural Health Info Databases to Counter Big Pharma Pharmaceutical Industry
GreenMedInfo - The World's Natural Health Resource | GreenMedInfo
The world's most widely referenced, evidence-based, natural health resource with over 10,000 health topics and 50,000 peer reviewed abstracts.
✳ School Playgrounds
The rubber mulch playgrounds that have replaced just regular grass and rocks - this video discusses that this material gives off a chemical dust called 6PPD that is known to be cancerous. Investigate and get this material banned if true.
✳ Protect the Health of Our Food Systems
Global Food Systems Overview - Shema’s Resource Page, 11 Key Topic Pages
This is a huge topic and of critical importance. Start tracking better the movements of a positive nature that are going on. Much attention needs to be given to this issue. Also educate on what the WHO plans for ONE HEALTH would do to do further harm. Let us build a counter vision, and call it TRUE HEALTH!
✳ Highlight and Support the Heroic Efforts of Truckers and Farmers
The protests on the streets, from Canada, US, Netherlands, Germany and Europe.
✳ Stop GeoEngineering
There is a growing movement in areas to Ban Chem Trails, and even Stop GeoEngineering. Research this and give these movements support. Also model them for other Counties and States. Additionally, look into what is happening Internationally.
✳ GeoEngineering Lawsuit
We Have Launched! Stop US GeoEngineering Legal Challenge (Reinette Senum)
✳ GeoEngineering Watch
Dane Wigington - support this work.
✳ Housing and Communities
One Small Town Movement - Transforming Our Towns Into Places of Prosperity and Abundance. A unique Integrated Community Development Plan driven by you and your community.
✳ The 5G Issue
Look into Counties succeeding in keeping 5G out. Research how to model this.
There is talk that 5G technology could be designed so that it is actually healthy for the human body. Is this true? Expose why it is not being used.
✳ Energy Distribution - Fibre Optics
Fibre Optics: As part of the movement to stop the overuse of the dangers of 5G, there is talk of staying wired. Fibre Optics in communities is an option. Google, I believe, years back had set up a model city to fully wire it with Fiber Optics - look into this.
✳ Life Sectors and Innovations
Research how far along Barbara Marx Hubbard got with the Golden Innovations and Foster Gamble’s Thrive Network working with the 12 sector model.
✳ Space Technology Innovations
David Adair 5 Breakthrough Space Technologies That NASA Halted
Shema will be doing a full Substack post on these technologies that David Adair developed.
✳ Free Energy
Open Source Free Energy, Projects underway with Dr Steven Greer. David Wilcock and hover cars and new technologies for planes. Protect these brave visionary forward thinkers who, despite efforts for innovations to be blocked, are moving forward with courage and determination.
Let us add to the consciousness field, clear passage for these innovations and advanced technology to come forward.
And as a society, be nimble enough to allow old structures to become outmoded, and new paradigms emerge with ease.
✳ No Mandates
Research the Counties within the United States that have managed to pass No Mandates Ordinances - to counter the control mechanisms put in place during the Covid Plandemic - map out how these were accomplished, go viral with the models. Help other Counties do the same. Support Sovereign Counties.
✳ Values and Principles
Every country has them. Yet the world is out of control with corruption.
What would be Values for a New Earth? And how to live so in congruence with the values and principles?
✳ Presidential ‘Platforms’, Issues Candidates Are Discussing
Identify and Map out all this issues, all the promises, all the ideas. From this information, start flushing out what an ideal government would look like. What additional questions get raised.
✳ RFK Jr, in particular, his Presidential Platform
Is sharing much about what he would do specifically as president. He is also giving many interviews on podcasts. Map out all the information coming from these podcasts. Which of these ideas could we actually get to work on right now.
James Roguski is a wealth of information and research on this topic of the WHO, Pandemic Agreement, and International Health Regulations
Under Development…
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