An Expanded Vision for Universal Income, A Liberated and Free Humanity that Thrives, Uplifting the Elon Musk Vision of Mass Unemployment, and How to Find Meaning
An Inspired Global Speech for 21st Century Humanity
There is anticipation that automation will take over more and more aspects of our lives and our jobs. This massive change will not happen overnight. We have time to prepare, to educate, to plan and get excited. WE could join together and figure this out, together.
Consider the popular book by Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek. It tells a story of working grueling hours, taking few vacations and having lack of free time.
With Company Automation comes an opportunity for Lifestyle Development.
Tim Ferriss looks at Life Style Design vs a “Deferred” Life Plan. Design your life OR defer your life and wait for your retirement; if you are lucky enough to save money, live long and enjoy that retirement.
🌟 A Speech for the Ages
I am about to share with you a Visionary Speech. Imagine this Speech going out to All of Humanity, to all the far reaches of life on this beautiful Earth.
It is inspired from the following short video clip of Elon Musk, in conversation. I felt strongly the way he presented the issue of mass unemployment from automation of jobs, honestly, quite short sighted and disempowering to humans.
A More Uplifting Vision
I don’t feel it is necessary to present the challenge in that type of way. Is not a leaders’ role to inspire with a large vision that helps to enroll people to engage in participation of it?
🌟 Elon Musk A Video Clip and Transcript
There will be fewer and fewer jobs that a robot cannot do better.
What to do about mass unemployment? This is going to be a massive social challenge.
I think ultimately we will have to have some kind of universal basic income. I don't think we're going to have a choice, a basic income, universal basic income. I think it's going to be necessary.
So to mean that unemployed people will be paid across the globe, yeah, because there is no job machine, robots are taking over.
I want to be clear that these are not things that I think, that I wish would happen. These are things that I think probably will happen.
What To Do About It?
And since, if my assessment is correct and they probably will happen, then we need to say, what are we going to do about it?
I think some kind of a universal basic income is going to be necessary.
Now the output of goods and services will be extremely high. So with automation, there will come abundance. Almost everything will get very cheap.
I think we'll just end up doing a universal basic income. It's going to be necessary.
Deriving Meaning from Employment
The harder challenge, much harder challenge, is, how do people then have meaning? A lot of people, they derive meaning from their employment. If you're not needed, if there's not a need for your labor, what's the meaning?
Do you have meaning? Do you feel useless?
That's a much harder problem to deal with.
✳ The Limitless Potential of Humanity
My dear brothers and sisters,
We stand at the brink of a new dawn, a time when humanity faces challenges that can either bind us to limitation or set us free to achieve our boundless potential. The words of Elon Musk—whether naïve or deliberate—fail to capture the magnificence of what is possible for us as human beings. He speaks of a future shaped by automation and universal basic income (UBI), warning of mass unemployment and the loss of meaning. But let me tell you this: he has underestimated us.
We are not slaves to labor, and our value is not tied to a 9-to-5 grind. Look around at the system that has forced so many into jobs that deaden their spirits and disconnect them from their purpose. Is that what we should mourn? Should we lament the loss of "Hump Day" and "Thank God It's Friday" mentality? No! The era of automation is not a tragedy—it is an opportunity, a golden door to a higher way of being.
✳ The Chains Are Breaking
When we no longer have to sell our time for survival, we will be free to step into our divine creative essence. Imagine the possibilities: a world where people no longer toil just to survive, but thrive—exploring their passions, nurturing their communities, and evolving their consciousness. The same automation Elon Musk warns us about can become a gift to humanity, freeing us to dream, to create, to heal, and to ascend.
✳ A Vision of Our Potential
Let us not fall into the trap of seeing ourselves as cogs in a machine, as Musk's vision suggests. Instead, let us see ourselves as we truly are: creators, innovators, explorers of the inner and outer cosmos. Here is what I see for us, and I hope you can see it too:
Spiritual Awakening and Ascension
Freed from the daily grind, we can reconnect with our inner power. Humanity has always had the potential for higher spiritual evolution, for exploring the dimensions of consciousness and even connecting with galactic communities. Yes, automation can build abundance—but abundance is not merely material. It is an abundance of connection, wisdom, and love.
Healing the Earth
With the gift of time and resources, we can focus on restoring harmony with our planet. Regenerating soils, cleaning the oceans, and protecting biodiversity will no longer be the work of a few underfunded organizations. It will become a global mission, powered by the collective energy of humanity. How exciting is that!
Revolutionizing Education and Creativity
Imagine a world where knowledge is no longer a privilege but a birthright. Free education for all will unlock the creativity and genius within every soul. Art, music, invention, and exploration will flourish as people find their true callings, free from the constraints of mere survival.
Creating Self-Sustaining Communities
Local governance, sustainable agriculture, including healthy soils, along with building resilient communities, all these will blossom and thrive. Imagine neighborhoods where people grow their own food, support one another, and celebrate life together. The mental health crisis we see today will be replaced by a world of connection and joy.
Exploring the Stars
If automation frees us from the burden of survival, why should we not look outward to the cosmos? As we evolve spiritually, we are called to connect with other beings, to learn, and to expand our understanding of existence itself. Galactic communities are not a fantasy—they are a future we can aspire to.
✳ The Choice Before Us
My friends, the global elite would have us believe that this new era is a time to shrink, to be afraid, to accept survival as our ceiling. They are terrified of our potential, because they know that a free, creative, and spiritually empowered humanity cannot be controlled. But we must rise above this narrative.
We must reject the fear that tells us we are small and powerless.
We are not victims of automation. We are its masters. And in mastering it, we can master ourselves and the systems that govern our world.
✳ A Call to Action
Let us not settle for UBI as a band aid for a broken system. Let us demand a world where automation and technology serve the true purpose of elevating humanity. Let us dream bigger dreams.
This is not a time to feel useless. This is a time to feel free. Free to love, free to create, free to connect, free to heal, and free to explore the infinite possibilities of our existence.
The elites may try to suppress our light, but they will not succeed. Humanity will rise, not just for the good of a few, but for the good of all life on this planet and beyond. Together, we will create a future that honors our limitless potential.
✳ Let the Future Begin
My friends, the future is not something to fear. It is something to build, together, with courage, with vision, and with love. Let us embrace this transformation and step boldly into the incredible destiny that awaits us.
We are not small.
We are not powerless.
We are creators.
We are infinite.
And we will rise!
We can begin now to plan for this transition seeing it as an opportunity for societal evolution and growth.
✳ We can plan action items now
We can explore the potential benefits and challenges of universal basic income (UBI) in the context of increasing automation.
We can investigate ways to help people find meaning and purpose beyond traditional employment.
We can discuss how automation and abundance could open up new possibilities for personal and societal growth.
We can address the psychological impact of mass unemployment on people's sense of purpose.
We can question the assertion that people derive meaning from their employment, arguing that many jobs are unsatisfying.
We can choose to highlight the potential for human elevation and exploration of new possibilities without traditional employment.
In Summary, We Have the Potential for Positive Change with Automation
We can place emphasis on the positive aspects of automation, such as freeing up time for personal growth, better education, enlightened child rearing, and community health with UBI, leading to more self-sustainable and healthy communities.
We can celebrate having time to play and enjoy recreation now!
We can join together in living healthy lifestyles, supporting good nutrition and fitness. We can cook together, laugh together, and thrive.
We can revel in a relaxed life, with quality sleep and naps to rejuvenate ourselves mid day.
We can reactivate our longevity genes, and enjoy vibrant, disease free lives.
Imagine the limitless potential for positive change with the right approach to automation and UBI.
Let us start imaging a world where we do not have to worry about money.
Where we no longer have to make decisions based on survival.
Instead, we are freed up to dream big, and enjoy being healthy, happy and free.
This world we can actively envision and create.
We're not going to feel our life void of meaning. We are going to feel powerful, in tuned with our divine essence and unlimited capacities, and we will be inspired to develop them!
What happens when we have access to free energy, have revealed to us all the black ops space programs, and reverse engineered ET craft?
We can prepare for these huge revelations now.
We can get better with living ethical, moral lives of goodness, kindness and love.
And cleaning up the environment, now that’s a creative project. That will take lots of inspired efforts.
We can evolve into a peace loving people, where war and violence are a thing of the past.
Let us begin!
🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟
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I love your positive encouragement to envision the unlimited possibilities for personal development and creative, spiritual, moral expansion BUT to get there we will first have to deal with the chains of the current debt-based, profit-driven mentality that enslaves us.
Automation and super-human robots could create abundance for all IF it was allowed by the owners of the resources and production assets. However, even if such abundance was permitted, there still remains the thorny issue of distribution of all that productivity. As long as the current cartel of billionaires can claim to OWN the earth's resources and almost everything we produce, then the general public will continue to be disrespected as "useless eaters" and unworthy consumers.
Previous technological revolutions like the steam age, the industrial age and the computer age did nothing to help liberate workers. They introduced all kinds of new gadgets that raised the standard of living for anyone who could afford to buy them, but they were developed merely because they delivered profits and increased the wealth of a tiny few capitalists. All of the previous ages displaced workers as efficient machines out-produced human labour. Most people were hustled into wholesale and retail distribution jobs and were paid just enough to keep them needing to work. This time around, the retail sector will be automated too and the elite simply won't need us anymore.
So the question of distribution arises in part because too few people will have the money needed to buy the production and in part because most people will fight about who is worthy of receiving the production. If working ourselves to death no longer represents the primary way to distribute the right to consume, what shall replace it. Most basic income proposals that I've seen reek of charity and dependency. They are merely nanny-state control schemes that disrespect the value of an individual's life and god given worth.
For the bright future that you seek, we must disable the corrupt monetary, economic ownership system that denies us our unlimited true value. That starts by discarding our own internal poisoned and corrosive beliefs, attitudes and values that have been programmed into us since our birth. Money should never be brought into existence as debt. Profit is not the best way to motivate people to be productive. Competition is anti-social, cooperation is entirely social. No government, corporation or organization should be granted any authority that exceeds the authority of individual citizens. No one should be above the common birthright laws of Creation.
Yes there is a lot to talk about and we all have a lot of soul searching to do. This monster is fast approaching and we better be united on what we want. I've been wrestling with these questions for over 40 years and I share a lot of good ideas on my websites. They should help get you thinking outside the box. - how we got into the monetary & economic traps - how we can get out of them and realize our full potential - how we can unite locally and protect ourselves from government overreach