I love your positive encouragement to envision the unlimited possibilities for personal development and creative, spiritual, moral expansion BUT to get there we will first have to deal with the chains of the current debt-based, profit-driven mentality that enslaves us.

Automation and super-human robots could create abundance for all IF it was allowed by the owners of the resources and production assets. However, even if such abundance was permitted, there still remains the thorny issue of distribution of all that productivity. As long as the current cartel of billionaires can claim to OWN the earth's resources and almost everything we produce, then the general public will continue to be disrespected as "useless eaters" and unworthy consumers.

Previous technological revolutions like the steam age, the industrial age and the computer age did nothing to help liberate workers. They introduced all kinds of new gadgets that raised the standard of living for anyone who could afford to buy them, but they were developed merely because they delivered profits and increased the wealth of a tiny few capitalists. All of the previous ages displaced workers as efficient machines out-produced human labour. Most people were hustled into wholesale and retail distribution jobs and were paid just enough to keep them needing to work. This time around, the retail sector will be automated too and the elite simply won't need us anymore.

So the question of distribution arises in part because too few people will have the money needed to buy the production and in part because most people will fight about who is worthy of receiving the production. If working ourselves to death no longer represents the primary way to distribute the right to consume, what shall replace it. Most basic income proposals that I've seen reek of charity and dependency. They are merely nanny-state control schemes that disrespect the value of an individual's life and god given worth.

For the bright future that you seek, we must disable the corrupt monetary, economic ownership system that denies us our unlimited true value. That starts by discarding our own internal poisoned and corrosive beliefs, attitudes and values that have been programmed into us since our birth. Money should never be brought into existence as debt. Profit is not the best way to motivate people to be productive. Competition is anti-social, cooperation is entirely social. No government, corporation or organization should be granted any authority that exceeds the authority of individual citizens. No one should be above the common birthright laws of Creation.

Yes there is a lot to talk about and we all have a lot of soul searching to do. This monster is fast approaching and we better be united on what we want. I've been wrestling with these questions for over 40 years and I share a lot of good ideas on my websites. They should help get you thinking outside the box.

https://monetaryReform.com - how we got into the monetary & economic traps

https://financialParty.com - how we can get out of them and realize our full potential

https://localRisistance.org - how we can unite locally and protect ourselves from government overreach

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So so good to meet you here Don. and thank you for these very important and essential insights. I will surely research your resources.

Yes, the initial inspiration for the article was to highlight I did not trust Elon Musk with his presentation. That I saw no pro humanity implications in his addressing the issue of automation.

Getting your insights is exactly what I had hoped for. Though I didn't actually say it, I knew I was missing much of the bigger picture, and you have outlined some essential historical patterns.

Yes, humanity has a lot of soul searching to do. Thank you for sharing this. Hopefully it will help expand the conversation and exploration.

I love how you have honed in on the money corruption as a key area we need to focus on.

"we must disable the corrupt monetary, economic ownership system that denies us our unlimited true value".

We know now the corruption game. Now let's join with you and others who are thinking out of the box, and envisioning what we replace the corruption with.

Let's get to work humanity! One person at a time, joining with another person, and onward we imagine and build!

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