Here I will be sharing a series of videos and intel, that build a pretty strong case the Maui Inferno involved satellites from China, somehow in collusion with our Department of Defense (DOD). This is a very serious allegation and you won’t find it being discussed much. Who knows really how far down the rabbit hole all this goes. - Shema Satya
Additionally, I created 2 Substack posts to build up to this one.
Depending on where you are at in your understanding of the dynamics of war,
I offer two additional Substack posts.
With the hopes to help prepare our psyches to consider what we may be up against.
For there is something quite diabolical going on.
The questions deepen around,
“What, When, Where, How, Why, Who and Just How Bad Is It,
and what can we do?”
🌟 Shema Substack: The Art of Warfare
Sun Tzu Wrote The Art of War over 2,500 Years Ago
🌟 Shema Substack: The Evolution of Warfare
5th Generation Warfare and Glimpses Into 6th, 7th and 8th Generations To Come
Please Refer to these initial posts made in the first weeks after the Lahaina Inferno
🌟 Maui DEW and Lasers, Were They Used?
Impossible Normal Fire Behavior Is Proven
🌟 Lahaina Fire Questions, What We Know So Far
Perspectives and Overviews of the Lahaina Inferno
🌟 Stories from Lahaina, In Memory
As Maui burned
Because of the profound implications the Maui Inferno has brought up for investigation, I will introduce some key elements, creating a picture of how all this has been developing.
🌟 Here is the sequence of points to be made in this post
Introduce Reinette Senum, sharing helpful key notes she makes, especially on the psychological aspects of war
Link to the video of Steve Favis showing evidence of China satellites over Maui
Reinette discusses how more than likely China coordinated with the U.S. on the attack on Maui
Discussing 5th Generation Warfare being used to terrorize countries into submission
A review of the development of Generations of Warfare and what is meant by 5th Generation Warfare
Turkey’s push back on the Deep State, triggering what appeared to be a HAARP* type earthquake being unleashed on the country with devastating impact
Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot brings in her perspectives of Maui, believing the DOD and CCP teamed up to attack the SPACE FORCE** base under MAUI and used the people as collateral damage.. with DEWS!
Interceptor film, Kerry describes as analogous to what happened in Maui
A further deep dive into Kerry Cassidy perspectives, articles and videos. Is NORAD compromised?
What happened in Maui makes it evident that currently there is no active defense to protect the American people
Concluding with Kerry Cassidy discussing Alien AI Nanotech
Our military is split, fighting each other
China’s arsenal of nanoweapons
Turn OFF your phone during FEMA Oct 4 test
These are wild times indeed, decide where you want to dive in
There is still much unknown and much secrecy still prevails
People need to demand answers
And the beautiful people of Maui are still in the profound grieving process, and children are still missing
*HAARP - see Shema Substack post on The Evolution of Warfare
**About the United States Space Force
Info from their website
“The U.S. Space Force was established on Dec. 20, 2019, when the National Defense Authorization Act was signed into law, creating the first new branch of the armed services since 1947. The establishment of the USSF resulted from widespread recognition that space is a national security imperative. When combined with the growing threat posed by strategic competitors in space, it became clear that there was a need for a military service focused solely on pursuing superiority in the space domain.
While the Space Force is the newest service, the Department of Defense has been working in the space domain since the beginning of space exploration. The Space Force consolidates satellite acquisition, budget and workforce from across more than 60 different organizations into a unified, efficient, effective service for space operations.”
🌟 Reinette Senum
I appreciate the information Reinette Senum is bringing forward in her Substack.
Reinette Senum, former Mayor of Nevada City, CA - who eventually resigned.
As Mayor, Senum had been a vocal opponent of statewide mask requirements and other coronavirus restrictions, sparking outrage from some members of the community.
“These lockdowns and what I would call ‘house arrests’ of a healthy public are draconian and are doing massive destruction upon our local economy and the overall well-being of our community. And when I would say that as an elected official, I got the wrath of God,” Senum said. “So, I’m going to say it as a private and free citizen.”
🌟 Here is the initial video that brought the CCP into the picture for me.
Video: The Smoking Gun: Staggering Evidence China Was Behind the Attack on Maui
Mounting evidence that China targeted Lahaina with "satellite-sniping." Our government remains silent. Why?
SMOKING GUN DEFINTION: Something that serves as strong evidence or irrefutable proof, especially of legal liability or criminal guilt.
From Substack: Reinette Senum
🌟 This is a must-watch video. It is chock-full of mind-blowing revelations. IT’S CRITICAL TO SEE THE FULL ANALYSIS.
It is an interview by Jeffrey Prather and his guest, Steve Davis, of Davis Advanced Robotics Corporation.
Jeffrey Prather, Retired Special Operations Soldier, former DIA Intelligence Collector, and ex-DEA Special Agent, targeted by the Deep State, turned Whistle-Blower, now your intelligence officer exposing fake news!
I share here a few key notes from Reinette’s post.
“Favis utilized publicly available satellite data on NORAD ( using the software MATLAB Math Works, popular with engineers and scientists for extremely complicated computations. Utilizing this software, Favis was able to calculate the possible physics of Chinese satellites (Identified in the NORAD satellite tracking seen in the video above) as the probable source of the Maui attack.
Davis methodically identified through NORAD tracking systems that Chinese satellites were not only over Maui during one fire, but all three fires.
NORAD tracks the origins of these satellites. NORAD officials HAVE TO KNOW this was China.
There were plenty of eyewitness accounts of two days of a very unusual, hazy mist before the attack on Lahaina. More than likely, barium and aluminum were intended as an accelerant to be used with the lasers to ignite the Lahaina fires. The Chinese satellites had a clear shot of Maui by utilizing what is known as Chinese petawatts (PW) capable lasers.
Reinette Senum concludes with this:
More than likely, China is in coordination with the US from what we have seen on the ground:
There were logistics in place to achieve mass casualty. There is no doubt that there were ground operations that had been coordinated. We know police blocked roads and directed people into the fire.
Could it have been coordinated? Why else would our officials remain virtually silent? Would the US have had their satellites do the (laser) firing? Wouldn’t that be a bit too self-incriminating?
This post is not blaming the Chinese entirely (the on-the-ground evidence does not support this), but it looks like they may have “fired the gun” in coordination with the US.”
Now that the case has been made for China’s likely involvement.
Let’s look at how 5th Generation Warfare is being used to terrorize countries whose leaders do not go along with the New World Order Agenda.
First, What is meant by 5th Generation Warfare? Here is my Substack post on a brief look at the generations of warfare.
🌟 Reinette Senum: “Nations know they cannot take down America straight on with bullets and tanks, so if there is to be a fight, it will have to be 5th generation warfare, a great deal of it psychological (as I have covered with the Turkish earthquakes).”
Turkey; Withstanding a Modern-day 5th Generation and Silent War
Natural catastrophes may not be so natural, and modern warfare has turned our communities into the frontlines. The war against Turkey may have transitioned into next-level modern-day warfare, using HAARP to initiate earthquakes.
From Substack: Reinette Senum
Reinette makes a solid case that TURKEY PUSHING BACK AGAINST THE U.S. & NATO ALLIES could very well have triggered them being targeted with a HAARP earthquake of devastating impact.
🌟 In the following post, Kerry Cassidy also highlights the video with Jeffrey Prather and his guest, Steve Davis, of Davis Advanced Robotics Corporation. For those who follow Kerry, she adds in her thoughts and frustrations with the alleged ‘White Hats’ withholding important intel from the American people.
Per Kerry Cassidy Intel
An AI is surveying everything on the planet
Our Military is Fighting with other factions in the Military
How insane is that? Our DOD and CCP teamed up to attack the SPACE FORCE base under MAUI and used the people as collateral damage.. with DEWS!
And in this following video, Kerry brings Nino up to date on the Maui attack.
Kerry Cassidy and Nino Rodriguez
INTERCEPTOR | Official Trailer | Netflix
This is the film Kerry Cassidy mentioned in the interview with Nino Rodriguez. She describes this movie as being akin to what seems to be going down with Maui.
One Army captain must use her years of tactical training and military expertise when a simultaneous coordinated attack threatens the remote missile interceptor station she is in command of.
Opinion Piece by Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot in Conversation with Gail of Gaia
Here are a few notes I’ve taken from this video with Kerry and Gail
Injustice prevails in the justice system
Maui is crucial for Space Force and U.S. defense
Maui was a hit on the Space Force and the underground bases there
The strategic defense of the entire United States is based on the Hawaiian Islands, including Maui
People have been collateral damage and children are missing in the thousands
They have blocked access to Lahaina and are keeping people away
Constant deception and misinformation exist in our world
We live in a world where we are lied to constantly and misdirected constantly
Despite exposure, the pandemic narratives persist. Even though the pandemic has been exposed abundantly by doctors, experts, Dr. David Martin and others. Yet still they want to bring it forward again
The "White Hats" are standing by and allowing it
The good news is that Trump is at least advocating for non-compliance
People are still dying from the shots, pregnant women are losing their babies. Yet still, they persist with the injections
What happened in Maui makes it evident that currently there is no active defense to protect the American people
Public demand for better conditions is needed
Current state equates to a world war. We're being attacked and not defended
Encouragement for public protest and questioning is essential
This is a "clarion call" to recognize we have been invaded and we have a fake government
Opinion piece by Kerry Cassidy
…”Nanoparticle-Enhanced Energy Weapons: Nanoparticles could be employed to enhance the performance of directed energy weapons, such as laser systems or electromagnetic pulse (EMP) devices, enabling more precise and devastating attacks. “—LJ EADS, RYAN CLARKE, XIAOXU SEAN LIN. – AUGUST 2023. “In the Shadows of Science: Unravelling China’s Invisible Arsenals of Nanoweapons”
Please listen to the full interview - the following are just notes to give you a flavor of the content Kerry covers
Our Military is Split, part aligned with CCP Globalists that have invaded U.S.
Maybe a reversed engineered UFO, or Chinese satellite?
Attack on Space Force
Were the fires in Maui actually a distraction from the attack on Space Force?
Weather War Weapons is how the Deep State keeps countries in line
Weather Wars have been going on for decades
Are they opening up portals through the large earthquakes, to let entities in through the portal, it’s a big story
The Maui hit was a game changer, coming from our military, attacking Space Force, another element of our military
Space Force interceptor was somehow not operational to protect itself
Maui was a Pearl Harbor type event
Turn off your phones, TVs, and radios when FEMA does test Oct 4
At end of interview, Kerry discusses what that test may be about
Defense Department Updates Its Law of War Manual, July 31, 2023
Kerry Cassidy references this Research Paper regarding the Nanoweapon aspect
Here is link to Paul Collin post on LinkedIn
Here is link to PDF of the Research Paper ‘In the Shadows of Science’
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